Tuesday, May 17, 2011

L'Etoile Tuesday: Les Avis de Décès pour Francois-Xavier Savard

I've decided to start my own little blogging meme for Tuedays. Calling it L'Etoile Tuesday, the plan is to take one article each week from L'Etoile, transcribe it, and then translate. L'Etoile, a very popular Franco-American newspaper, was published in Lowell, MA from 1886 up until 1957. It's available on microfilm at several repositories in the area, including the Pollard Memorial Library in downtown Lowell

So... this week, because I transcribed and posted his Petition for Naturalization yesterday,  I have chosen the death notice for Francois-Xavier Savard, my youngest daughter's paternal third great-grandfather, which was published in the October 26, 1916 edition of L'Etoile.

As far as I can tell, at the time, L'Etoile listed death notices according to which undertaker was handling the arrangements, hence the heading below.
SAVARD -- Francois-Xavier Savard, est decede ce matin a sa demeure No 711 Lakeview Ave., a l'age de 61 ans. Il laisse dans le deuil 3 fils, Arthur, Oliver et Edouard Savard; 2 filles Mmes Corrine Grondin et Clorida Tremblay des freres et des soeurs au Canada. Le defunt appartenait au Tiers-Ordre et a l'Association Funeraire. Le service aura lieu samedi matin a 8 heurs, en l'eglise St-Louis de France avec diacre sous diacre et choeur de chant. Parents et amis sont pres d'y assister.
My translation:
SAVARD - Francois-Xavier Savard, died this morning at his residence No. 711 Lakeview Ave., at the age of 61. He is survived by three sons, Arthur, Oliver and Edward Savard; 2 daughters Mrs. Corrine Grondin and Mrs.Clorida Tremblay brothers and sisters in Canada. The deceased belonged to the Third Order and the Funeral Association. The service will be held Saturday morning at 8 o'clock in the church of St. Louis de France with sub deacon deacon and choir singing. Relatives and friends are welcome to attend.

One thing to note about this death notice is the mention of Frank's membership to the Funeral Association. That little reference is very interesting.. Verrry interesting, indeed. Because on page 80 of  Felix Albert's autobiography an Immigrant Odyssey: A French-Canadian Habitant in New England, Felix, father of Joseph Albert the Lowell undertaker, refers to Frank as his clerk. And, in a small 1892 Lowell Sun article, which tells us of Frank's mother's death in Point-aux-Trembles, Frank is referred to as being Felix's foreman. Was Felix Albert an undertaker as well? I think he made caskets, but I didn't take too many notes when I read the book, so I'm not sure. Needless to say, I need to revisit that book again. Also, what about the 1909 Lowell Directory that states that Frank was insurance agent at 13 Merrimack Square. Now, I'm wondering what type of  insurance he sold, and for who, was he in business for himself?? I need to go to the library and go through all of the pertinent directories to see if I can obtain any more details. One more thing, there was no mention about Frank's membership to the Funeral Association in the death notice that was published in The Sun. Which just goes to show you how invaluable a source L'Eoile is for anybody researching their Franco-American connection in Lowell.

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